2018 Indoor Peloton
Liza Coaching is excited to announce a new fantastic location for our Indoor Cycling + Core sessions:
260 Moffett Blvd, Mountain View, CA
SCHEDULE: 7-8:30pm, Tuesday Nights
October 23, 30th, Nov 6, 27th, and Dec 4, 11, 18th
COST: SEASON PASS:$150 for all classes AND 3 outdoor endurance rides!
DROP-INS: $30/class or $20/outdoor ride
Beginner to New Intermediate Road Cycling Clinic-
Hosted by Hagens Berman | Supermint Professional Cyclist and owner of Liza Coaching: Liza Rachetto and Supermint team Co-Founder Jono Coulter.
Limit to 14 participants
Date: June 30th, 2018
Location: Woodside Town Hall, Woodside, California
(parking lot behind village pub)
Time: 9am-12pm
Previous Experience- ability to ride 30miles at one time, use of clipped in pedals, and 6mo- 2yr riding experience
Why Attend?: Improve your overall skills on the bike and make your experience fun!
What will you learn?
1. Brief overview of your bike, quick mechanical tips, ie. changing a flat efficiently.
2. Nutrition, why this is critical to your training and event preparation and how to eat on the bike.
3. Cornering, practice around cones/course to increase your confidence in cornering at speed and "leaning" the bike.
4. Short Descents, if you go up you must go down and how to properly execute a winding descent.
5. Drills to practice, riding in close proximity to others, holding a straight line, emergency braking and body position, steering and countersteering
Whether you’re a racer or a recreational rider, group and technical riding skills will help you ride longer, faster, and farther.
Cost $120 to new athletes, $90 to current Liza Coaching athletes. paypal to lizacoaching@gmail.com
1. Liability form: http://www.lizacoaching.com/liability-form
Submitting waiver and payment will confirm your spot
2. Send a brief email with name, riding experience and skills you wish to work on to: lizacoaching@gmail.com
What to Bring: Bike, helmet, warm and cold weather clothes, 2 full water bottles and energy food. We will have nutrition, water on site and excited to help you step up your skills.
Hope to see you at the Clinic!