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2018 Indoor Peloton

Liza Coaching is excited to announce a new fantastic location for our Indoor Cycling + Core sessions:


260 Moffett Blvd, Mountain View, CA


SCHEDULE: 7-8:30pm, Tuesday Nights

October 23, 30th, Nov 6, 27th, and Dec 4, 11, 18th

COST: SEASON PASS:$150 for all classes AND 3 outdoor endurance rides!

DROP-INS: $30/class or $20/outdoor ride











Beginner to New Intermediate Road Cycling Clinic

Hosted by Hagens Berman | Supermint Professional Cyclist and owner of Liza Coaching: Liza Rachetto and Supermint team Co-Founder Jono Coulter.  

Limit to 14 participants

Date:  June 30th, 2018
Location: Woodside Town Hall, Woodside, California

(parking lot behind village pub)
Time: 9am-12pm

Previous Experience- ability to ride 30miles at one time, use of clipped in pedals, and 6mo- 2yr riding experience

Why Attend?: Improve your overall skills on the bike and make your experience fun!

What will you learn?

1. Brief overview of your bike, quick mechanical tips, ie. changing a flat efficiently.  
2. Nutrition, why this is critical to your training and event preparation and how to eat on the bike.
3. Cornering, practice around cones/course to increase your confidence in cornering at speed and "leaning" the bike.
4. Short Descents, if you go up you must go down and how to properly execute a winding descent.
5. Drills to practice, riding in close proximity to others, holding a straight line, emergency braking and body position, steering and countersteering

Whether you’re a racer or a recreational rider, group and technical riding skills will help you ride longer, faster, and farther.

Cost $120 to new athletes, $90 to current Liza Coaching athletes. paypal to 

1. Liability form:

    Submitting waiver and payment will confirm your spot 

2. Send a brief email with name, riding experience and skills you wish to work on        to:

What to Bring: Bike, helmet, warm and cold weather clothes, 2 full water bottles and energy food. We will have nutrition, water on site and excited to help you step up your skills.

Hope to see you at the Clinic!

Liza Coaching LLC. Idaho
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